Before contacting us, please see if on this page you can find the answers to your questions!
How can I tell an official Big Bench from others that are not part of BBCP?
We know that unfortunately there are many imitations of the Big Benches, some of them are almost identical to those protected by our patent; however, having them removed requires very high financial and legal costs and can take a very long time. The BBCP Big Benches are recognizable by our signs and because you find them on our website and on the “Tabui” app.
Please help us promote the official BB, but also make people understand that building an official BB doesn’t cost any more than building one outside of BBCP official channels, whereas it only brings advantages: an official BB is promoted via our social media and
website, the town that hosts it can participate in the annual charity BBCP grant for schools and local initiatives, being part of BBCP makes you part of a big community of people who want to give something back to their community!
What happens if I hurt myself while climbing onto or down from a Big Bench?
The Big Benches are artistic installations, climbing onto them is a personal choice and nobody can take responsibility for personal actions. Since the Big Benches are in locations that are accessible round the clock, on free land with no fences or supervision, the owner of the land where the BB is located cannot take any responsibility, because there is no way to calculate potential risks and therefore it is not possible to stipulate a proper insurance. To sum up: climbing onto a Big Bench is like climbing a tree or on a statue. It is a personal decision and action and – even though doing it is easy and doesn’t involve relevant risks – it occurs under the exclusive responsibility of the person, or of the accompanying parents/adults in case of minors.
Who are the Ambassadors?
They are volunteers without any monetary compensation (not even travel expenses). They have a connecting role between BBCP and other stakeholders (promoters, the public, commercial activities); they do their best to be present for the inaugurations of the new Big Benches whenever possible and help spread the message of BBCP.
Are the Big Benches for sale?
No, BBCP doesn’t sell benches. BBCP donates the official technical drawings of the Big Bench to applicants whose applications have been accepted and approved by our staff; the applicants build their own Bench at their expense or have it built by artisans they designate. BBCP instead sells the so-called “Small Big Benches” (see dedicated page on our website).
The proceeds deriving from such sales, as well as those from all BBCP merchandising, are re-invested 100% back into the BBCP Foundation.